Rampage Rally ODC


Loskop – 5 Oct, 2024


One-Day-Challenge Navigation Adventure Bike Rally Event

Gauteng, South Africa

What is Rampage Rally ODC?

The Rampage Rally One-Day Challenge (ODC) is a non-competitive, off-road adventure bike rally designed to introduce riders to rally navigation using cutting-edge technology. This year, we are excited to use the RBR app, which offers digital interactive roadbooks and GPX options. While riders will experience an interactive event where their routes are tracked and scored upon return, it remains a voluntary, informal rally experience. There is no live tracking, backup, or competitive element, and riders must follow all road rules.

The event aims to provide a taste of rally navigation in a fun, relaxed environment, perfect for those seeking to enhance their adventure riding skills. Garmin users will not benefit from the advanced features offered by the RBR app, but are still welcome to participate in a more traditional manner.

ODC Event Info

Start VenueIC Coffee, Wapadrand, Pretoria

Date:  Sat, 5 Oct, 2024

CostR450, Pre-registration compulsory, Limited Space

On the day – Briefing:  7:00 – 7:30 am

On the day – Staged start: 7:30 am onwards

Route distance: Route is approx. 400kms+

Route riding time: Approx. 6-8 hours

Requirements: Adventure and rally bikes with mobile phone or tablet (Android only)

Spots available:  Max 30 riders & bikes

Event organiser:  Rally Rampage, Eugene Beetge, 082 659 3035

Event Summary

Rampage Rally is back with another One-Day-Challenge for 2024 – the Loskop Stampede. Get ready for a challenging and adventurous ride as you navigate 400 km of varied terrain using the RBR app. This non-competitive event demands physical endurance, navigational skills, and a love for adventure. At a very reasonable cost of R450, participants will embark on a tough, full-day rally requiring 6-8 hours of riding time.

Navigation classes available for this event are:

  • Class 1: Mobile Interactive Roadbook (Waypoints, tracking and scoring)
  • Class 2: Mobile Interactive GPX Adventure (Waypoints, tracking and scoring)
  • Class 3: Garmin GPX file (No tracking, unsupported)
  • Class 4: No Navigation, just following (Join the fun and follow someone)

Building on the success of previous ODCs, this route combines trails heading north and then east to Loskop in a challenging loop.


As Rampage we also try and keep our costs as low as possible and within reason. The cost per rider for this event is …


per rider or participant


IC Coffee


Gauteng, South Africa
The event starts off at a coffee spot called IC Coffee. Explore the vast, rugged landscapes perfect for adventure riding. The event covers the whole area from the Pretoria to Loskop, approximately 200 km of the start.

Nav Method

Navigation for the ODC is done primarilly using an Android mobile device, either your mobile phone or tablet with our RBR app. If you have a rugged version of a device, even better. You don’t need anything else other than your bike and your mobile device for navigation. Your device must be mounted on your bike for navigation purposes in clear view while you ride. Any additional equipment or setup is welcome, such as rally towers, Bluetooth navigation buttons, or similar.

There will be a GPX file supplied separately for Garmins or standalone devices but Rampage doesnt support, load or work on Garmin devices before or during the events.

Timing and tracking of your ride is done by the RBR app on your Android device.

Luckily, using our app, the routes are locked and secure.

Nav by Mobile App

For this event, the RBR app will now utilize the full event platform, allowing riders to download their routes directly on the morning of the event for offline use. This streamlined process eliminates the need for manual PIN entry.

The interactive roadbooks and GPX routes on the RBR app offer waypoint tracking, scoring, and a fully immersive riding experience. This advanced functionality is exclusive to Android devices, enhancing the navigation and engagement for all participants.

Riders are encouraged to have a backup device to ensure uninterrupted navigation.


Digital Roadbook

Digital Roadbook with interactive waypoints on Android devices using the RBR app. Auto-scroll available.

This class is timed and tracked using the RBR app with scoring and penalties. Your points will form part of the Rampage annual scoreboard.

GPX Adventure

Line navigation on mobile devices with interactive waypoints using the RBR app.

This class is timed and tracked using the RBR app with scoring and penalties. Your points will form part of the Rampage annual scoreboard.

Garmin GPX Class

This class is not an official Rampage Rally class. If you choose to ride with your Garmin, a GPX route will be provided the evening before the ride. However, this class is not included in the event’s timing, tracking, or scoring.

We strongly encourage riders to use their Garmin device as a backup and opt for an Android device to enjoy the full interactive experience offered by the RBR app, including waypoint tracking and immersive navigation features.

Follower Class

No navigation is needed for this class; simply join the ride by following a group or another navigator. This option is perfect for those who prefer not to navigate but still want to participate in the adventure.
Please note that if you choose this class, you cannot switch to a navigation class later, as only registered navigators are loaded onto the event platform.


The ODC is a tough challenge and rally-based event for you and your adventure bike.

It is not suitable for beginner riders or big bikes. We do not dictate the bike size, but considering the terrain and technicality, small capacity bikes from 500 cc, 700 cc up to 1000 cc would be suitable, based on rider skill. The smaller, the better.

The ODC is best suited for smaller capacity, road-legal adventure bikes.

Equipment Needed

Android Mobile Device for Navigation

To navigate the challenging routes of the Rampage Rally ODC, participants must use a reliable Android mobile device, either a smartphone or tablet. This device will run the RBR app, providing interactive waypoints and roadbooks essential for the event.

Mount the device securely on your bike for clear visibility while riding. It is recommended to bring a backup device to ensure uninterrupted navigation throughout the event.

Personal Riding Gear & comfort

Safety and comfort are paramount during the Rampage Rally. Each rider must wear appropriate personal riding gear, including a high-quality helmet, protective gloves, and sturdy riding boots. Body armor or a riding jacket with built-in protection is also essential to guard against falls and impacts.

Proper riding gear not only enhances safety but also improves endurance and comfort over long distances and varied terrains.

Basic Bike Maintenance Tools

Participants should carry basic bike maintenance tools to handle any minor repairs or adjustments during the rally. Essential tools include a multi-tool, tire repair kit, air pump, spare tubes or tire plugs, and a set of wrenches.

Being prepared with these tools ensures you can quickly address common issues like punctures, loose bolts, or chain adjustments, allowing you to stay on track and enjoy the rally without significant delays.

Skills Required

Good riding fitness for daily distances over 400 km per day, including liaison and special stages.

Confidence, endurance and perseverance with good riding skills.

Basic but good navigation skills (unless in the Follower class).

Good spirit and a sense of humour and adventure.


Inspired by the spirit of Dakar, a Rampage Rally ODC offers a unique non-competitive adventure riding experience. Our aim at Rampage is to introduce rally-style riding and navigation formats to adventure bikes looking for a little more.

Modern mobile devices offer an amazing navigation experience similar to that of big Dakar rally-style bikes, providing a new type of motorbike event.

Rules & Info

Event Rules and Regulations

  • Non-Competitive Nature:
    • This is an informal outride, not a race or registered event.
    • No winners, podiums, or official timing.
  • Self-Reliance and Navigation:
    • Riders are expected to be self-reliant and navigate solo.
    • Group riding is allowed.
  • Assistance:
    • Assistance between riders is permitted for medical, mechanical issues, or navigation.
  • Fuel Considerations:
    • Fuel needs should be planned, especially for smaller capacity bikes.
  • Compliance with Public Road Rules:
    • All public road rules must be strictly obeyed.
    • Bikes must be fully road legal for use on public roads.
  • Respect for Private Property:
    • Riding on private property must be done with respect for owners and animals.

Tracking and Scoring Information

  • Riders using the RBR app will participate in a tracking and scoring system based on waypoint collection, speed zone adherence, special stages, and liaison sections.
  • Participation in this system is voluntary, and all tracking and scoring are done through the RBR app on Android devices.


Register online, providing personal details in the form below Registration is conducted via the website or direct contact. The price is R450 per rider per event

$ 24 per rider or participant