Thank you for joining our Rampage event!
We look forward to having you ride our Rampage Rally Challenge or Outride.
Prior to the event, you may receive information via email, WhatsApp or SMS. So keep a lookout. You should also prepare your bike and mobile device for the event ahead of time. See further below for more info to make sure you are ready on the day.

Preparing for your Rampage Rally using a mobile device (or Garmin if you have to) for navigation is really simple.
Just follow these steps:

First join the event WhatsApp group.
Join the event WhatsApp group using the link on the regietred riders page. All our events have one group specific to that event. This is not a chat group but used by us to communicate with the riders, as well as to distribute the Roadbook Codes, PINs and maps to download and get the route for the day.
Admin will approve your access if you are registered via the entry form.

riders webpage after you registered

For Mobile Device Navigators
Mount your phone or tablet on your bike
In order to navigate with your mobile during the event, it is necessary to have an Android mobile phone or tablet unless you plan to use your Garmin device. It is important to ensure that your device is mounted in a clear view, so that you can easily read the screen while on the move. To achieve this, you may want to consider watching a short video that demonstrates how to mount your device, as well as highlighting different options available for mounting.
Download the navigation app on your Android device
To navigate during the event, download RoadbookRally app on your Android device. The app uses a PIN system to access the digital roadbook or mobile GPX route, which can only be downloaded with a PIN. The PIN for the event as well as the failover routes will be published on the WhatsApp group a day or two before the event. You should be able to load the PIN at the start of the event if there is internet. From there the routes run offline while you ride.
For Garmin Navigators
Mount and make sure it’s charged or on power
When preparing for a Rampage event, it is vital to ensure your Garmin navigation device is securely mounted on your motorbike. A sturdy mount is key to ensure the device doesn’t shift or get dislodged during the ride. Also, please make sure your Garmin is either fully charged or connected to a reliable power source. It should have enough battery life for a minimum of 8 hours of continuous navigation. Remember, Rampage events are known for their strong navigation focus, and we encourage you to prepare your bike and navigation setup with this in mind.
GPS Files for the Event
The necessary GPX files, specific to Garmin devices, will be made available to you via our dedicated WhatsApp group. Expect these files one or two days before the event. This gives you ample time to load these files onto your device and familiarize yourself with the route.
Please be aware that each participant is responsible for loading and setting up these event-specific files on their own device. At Rampage, we trust in the independence and self-reliance of our riders. Regrettably, we do not have the resources to load GPX files or set up navigation devices for each participant.

Navigation Files and Mobile PIN's prior to event start
For those who will be using mobile devices for navigation during the event, we will be sending PINs to unlock various mobile roadbooks and GPX files. These files are relatively small and quick to download. You can do this either the night before or the morning of the ride. The process of getting the routes onto your device is simple and fast. Once the routes are loaded using the provided PINs, you won’t need an internet connection anymore as they run offline from that point onwards.
For those using Garmin devices, separate GPX files will be sent through our WhatsApp group one or two days before the event. You can load these files onto your preferred Garmin device. Please note that Rampage does not load files on behalf of riders, and there will not be any infrastructure available on the day of the ride to assist with file loading. Loading files onto a Garmin device can be a laborious process, unlike mobile navigation. Therefore, it’s important that you take the time to do this by yourself before the event.

Help with training on the event day?
If you require any training on the Mobile App or Digital Roadbooks before an event, please inform me in advance so that I can assist you. In case the event offers any training, I usually arrange for a short training session before the event early morning. During the session, I will guide you on setting up the app’s settings and how to read and navigate using the digital roadbook. It is crucial to ensure that your phone is fully charged before the event. Additionally, you will only require internet access at the start of the ride to download the event roadbook. I will provide you with a PIN through WhatsApp to access the digital roadbook, ensuring that you have the latest information at your disposal for a successful event navigation.

Get riding when the event starts
Arrive at least 30 min before the briefing. After the morning briefing, starting order, and potential training, you will need to make sure you are ready with your nav equipment and riding. For mobile, you will have received a PIN to download the active roadbook or GPX file on the RoadbookRally app.
When ready, you can proceed to the start line to begin your ride. Depending on the navigation class you selected, you may also receive a GPX route as a safety fallback. In case you get lost, you can abandon the roadbook and convert to GPX to navigate your way back home. However, doing so will result in the loss of your roadbook standing and any collected waypoints.

That’s it!
Besides the standard preparations of maintaining your bike and carrying tools that you would for a regular day’s ride, you are now ready to take on the event.
What happens on the day of the event?
On the day of the event, if the event has a registration page, all the relevant details about the event will be available on the page. Alternatively, if there is no registration page, the event or outride information will be shared on the WhatsApp group. The availability of the registration page and WhatsApp group depends on whether the event is a Rampage Outride or a Rampage Rally One Day Challenge.
It is essential to note that for Garmin users and those participating in the ‘Garmin Class’ in our events, we are not equipped to assist with Garmin issues or map loading. As Rampage promotes and prefers mobile Android devices for navigation during rally and adventure biking, it is advisable to ensure that your Garmin device is in good working condition and the maps are up-to-date before the event. By doing so, you can ensure that you are fully prepared for the event and that your navigation experience is smooth and hassle-free.
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Here are some relevant videos explaining what is a Rampage Rally One-Day Challenge, Rampage Training, How to setup mobile navigation and what is a handlebar controller.
What is a Rampage Rally One-Day Challenge?
Rampage Navigation Training Explained
Advice for using your mobile device and mounting options.
Why is navigation important?
Testing the tablet and bluetooth controller and showing how it is setup
Navigation Handlebar Controller explained